Two Ely fighters helped the Mark Farnham Schools of Tae Kwon-Do scoop a massive 17 trophies at the British Tae Kwon-Do Championships.

Oliver Murray and Matthew Seymour both finished in third place in their categories, and the local schools bagged a further 15 awards on a hugely successful afternoon on November 20.

More than 1,000 competitors went head-to-head in 20 fighting areas throughout the day, and 46 local students experienced success in Pattern, Sparring, Destruction and Team Sparring events.

Mark Farnham said: β€œTo win any award at this event is a very serious achievement, so we are very proud to have won these awards throughout our 14 schools.

β€œA very well done to all the students who achieved these awards and a big thank you to all the officials and spectators who took the journey to support us.”

For more information on the schools, call 07771644460 or visit