LINDA welcomed members and guests to the July meeting and Jerusalem was sung. A representative from ACRE gave a short talk of a proposed hall in the future, forms were given out for peoples views on this. Minutes, county letter, date for diaries were note

LINDA welcomed members and guests to the July meeting and Jerusalem was sung. A representative from ACRE gave a short talk of a proposed hall in the future, forms were given out for peoples views on this. Minutes, county letter, date for diaries were noted. Letters of thanks from Leni and Beattie for cards and flowers; Birthday gifts to M Ambrose and G Hart; Two invitations to visit Southery on September 6 and Welney on September 7. Names were taken. G Rose won the cup and saucer for points. Coffee morning is on August 12, at 20 Hawthorn Close in aid of Welney Ward, Princess of Wales 10am - 2pm. Linda introduced the speaker Russell Botwright, his subject was holiday in Turkey. A vote of thanks from Madge Ambrose. Competition drew seven entries. A draw ended the evening. Next meeting is on Thursday, August 10, Rosemarie Jacob will talk on experiences of a corset consultant. Competition is for jar of home-made plum jam.