THE Witchford Youth team have taken over the responsibility of youth work across the Ely and Littleport areas, with an increase in staff to deliver this work. Councillors agreed that the youth team could relocate to the Brunel Room with the existing store

THE Witchford Youth team have taken over the responsibility of youth work across the Ely and Littleport areas, with an increase in staff to deliver this work. Councillors agreed that the youth team could relocate to the Brunel Room with the existing store/office to provide additional space for the team.

St Andrew's Sunday School has proved so successful it has been agreed to move them to the larger Spencer Room.

It was noted that Sutton Youth Club has sole use of The Glebe on a Wednesday night, their child protection policy means that no access is available for the evening.

A portable hearing loop will be purchased for use in The Glebe main rooms and hall with a further for the reception desk. A projector, a screen, and a lap top will also be available. The equipment is grant funded.