President Sheila Knight welcomed members to the meeting on Friday evening. Jerusalem was sung, followed by the business of the evening. Yvonne Long welcomed Ann Datson who gave a demonstration on serviette work, decorating a wide range of items using the

President Sheila Knight welcomed members to the meeting on Friday evening. Jerusalem was sung, followed by the business of the evening. Yvonne Long welcomed Ann Datson who gave a demonstration on serviette work, decorating a wide range of items using the motifs cut out of serviettes. Members were then invited to participate and a wide range of designs were created on small flowerpots. Ann had brought along a lovely selection of her work, which she sells at craft markets here and in France where she purchases many items for her work. Gwen Bridgeman thanked Ann for a fascinating evening. Ann was asked to judge the exhibition for a serviette ring and the winner was Angi Blease. Sheila Knight organised the raffle and the committee served the refreshments. The meeting on March 2 will be the AGM and the speaker will be Steven Brooks.