A VACCINE against the H1N1 swine flu virus is expected to become available in the eastern region shortly before Christmas, it has been announced. Although the increase in new cases of the virus has been marginal since the end of the school summer holidays

A VACCINE against the H1N1 swine flu virus is expected to become available in the eastern region shortly before Christmas, it has been announced.

Although the increase in new cases of the virus has been marginal since the end of the school summer holidays, health chiefs at NHS Cambridgeshire are expecting an increase in cases in the coming months and are hoping that the vaccine will help stave off widespread infection.

Frank Hume, interim flu director for NHS Cambridgeshire, said: "In the coming weeks we will be starting our annual programme of seasonal flu vaccinations and shortly after we have completed those we are expecting to receive vaccinations for the H1N1 strain of the virus.

"We have procedures already in place for administering the vaccine and groups identified as vulnerable and at-risk will be among the first to receive it."

For more information regarding swine flu, contact www.pandemicflu.direct.gov.uk.