LAST Sunday, Duncan Palmer led the morning service. The pianist was Peter Kirby, and Pam Sole read one of the lessons. The Rev Steven Watts led the evening worship, which included the celebration of Holy Communion. The Flower and Friendship Club met on Mo

LAST Sunday, Duncan Palmer led the morning service. The pianist was Peter Kirby, and Pam Sole read one of the lessons. The Rev Steven Watts led the evening worship, which included the celebration of Holy Communion. The Flower and Friendship Club met on Monday evening in the schoolroom when they arranged an all foliage design. The Women's Fellowship met Tuesday afternoon and the St John's Stitches Group met in the evening. Next Sunday morning Terry Day, from Ely, will lead the morning service at 10.45am. There will be a celebration service at Ely Methodist church in the evening led by Rev Steven Watts at 6.30pm. On Saturday, October 14, there will be a welcome return visit from the Fiona Simpson Band starting at 7.30pm in the church.

INFO: Tickets are £4 in advance from Bev Scott or £5 on the night. Refreshments will also be served. We extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to join us at any of our services or events.