THE Rev Roger Steward led the chapel anniversary service last Sunday morning, which included the celebration of Holy Communion. The organist was Janice Weatherall, and Ian Weatherall read the lesson. A bring- and-share lunch was enjoyed after the service

THE Rev Roger Steward led the chapel anniversary service last Sunday morning, which included the celebration of Holy Communion. The organist was Janice Weatherall, and Ian Weatherall read the lesson. A bring- and-share lunch was enjoyed after the service in the schoolroom.

Evening worship was united with St George's Parish church. The Women's Fellowship met on Tuesday afternoon. On May 13, there will be a concert with Ag and Kate in the church, starting at 7.30pm. They have ministered to many churches in the UK and US through their music, which is a mixture of folk, country and gospel. Funds raised from the concert will support them in their work with prisoners in both countries. A donation of £5 per person is encouraged and refreshments will be served.

Margaret Nickless will lead Sunday morning's worship at 10.45am and the evening service will be a circuit celebration at Sutton Methodist Church at 6.30pm. On Wednesday, there will be a Garden Day at 57 City Road from 10am-noon and 2pm-4pm in aid of Christian Aid with plant and cake stalls. We extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to join us at any of our services/events.