THE Rev Christopher Baker led the morning service last Sunday preaching on the text from St John s Gospel. Christopher also spoke about the work of Christian Aid as it had been Christian Aid Week. Duncan Palmer led the evening worship. During the service

THE Rev Christopher Baker led the morning service last Sunday preaching on the text from St John's Gospel. Christopher also spoke about the work of Christian Aid as it had been Christian Aid Week. Duncan Palmer led the evening worship. During the service Duncan invited the congregation to share their experiences.

The Flower and Friendship Club met on Monday evening. The Women's Fellowship met on Tuesday afternoon and the St John's Stitches also met in the evening. Ian Wetherall will lead this coming Sunday morning's service at 10.45am. The evening service will be at Ely Methodist Church led by the Rev Steve Watts at 6.30pm.

Stella Strachan thanked all those who supported the garden party last week, £600 was raised for Christian Aid. On July 15, there will be a Kitchen Prom Concert by Jennifer Thompson and Jackie Kirby at 7.30pm in the church. We extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to join us at any of our services and events