ON Sunday, April 1 ( Palm Sunday ) the vicar was the Rev Rosemary Maskell for the 8am Holy Communion and at the 10am Parish Eucharist, at which the sermon was delivered by Carol Swain. Palms were distributed to the congregation. The first Sunday praise a

ON Sunday, April 1 ( Palm Sunday ) the vicar was the Rev' Rosemary Maskell for the 8am Holy Communion and at the 10am Parish Eucharist, at which the sermon was delivered by Carol Swain. Palms were distributed to the congregation. The first Sunday praise at 6.30pm was led by Maurice Roberts and the choir.

On Friday (Good Friday) The Combined Churches Walk of Witness will commence at the village hall at 10am and end with a short service at the Vine Fellowship at 11am. At 2pm, a service of the last hour round the cross will be held. The film The Passion of the Christ" will be shown at the Old Regal at 7pm.

Sunday, April (Easter Sunday) dawn communion at 06.00, followed by breakfast in the Parish Room. At 10.00 the Vicar will preside at the Parish Eucharist for Easter Day.

On Thursday, April 12 at 7.30pm there will be a cheese and wine celebration in the Parish Room to mark the completion of this phase of our restoration programme.

On Saturday, April 14 at 9am, the men's breakfast club will meet in the Parish Room. Do come and join us.