THE Rev Anna Hult was the celebrant at Sunday s Eucharist and baptism service, assisted by the Rev Keith Powell who gave the sermon. There will be parish communion at 10am on Tuesday and throughout July, but not in August. The Sunday School meets at 10.30

THE Rev Anna Hult was the celebrant at Sunday's Eucharist and baptism service, assisted by the Rev Keith Powell who gave the sermon. There will be parish communion at 10am on Tuesday and throughout July, but not in August. The Sunday School meets at 10.30am during the school term, and the Baby Cafe

meets in the hall at 9.30am in the school term. Next Sunday, the Rev Hult will take the family service and the Girl Guides will be laying up their flag.

Reader Carol Taylor will take the remaining services in July with the exception of July 23 when the Rev Mathew Bradbury will be the celebrant.