Readers reacted with fury after an image of a Rottweiler was associated with a story about a rise in dangerous dog incidents across Cambridgeshire.

The article, which stated “more than triple the amount of dangerous dogs have been seized by police in Cambridgeshire last year compared to 2016”, attracted dozens of comments on our Facebook pages and a number of letters sent from readers.

Lisa Moore who argued that the image used with the story was misleading said: “I am furious about your story about dangerous dogs where you have used a picture of a Rottweiler snarling.

“Firstly, if you were to take the time to get to know the breed you would find out that they are nothing but big, soft, misunderstood bears.

“I have had the pleasure of owning three and not once have either made feel uncomfortable or have I felt threatened by them. They are loyal, loving, intelligent and trustworthy dog.

“Any breed has the potential to turn and in the wrong hands this can lead to the issues that can lead to dangerous dogs.

“What annoys me most is we, as Rottweiler owners, are always up against the stereotype that has been unfortunately given to this breed.

“For you to use a picture of a Rottweiler snarling just enhances those beliefs. To have been correct you should have used a picture of one of the breeds that you actually state is in the Dangerous Dogs Act list.

“Rottweilers are not. I challenge anyone to meet my current Rottweiler and not see the good in this beautiful breed.

“I shall personally live the rest of my life with at lease one of these amazing dogs by my side.”

Ms Moore wasn’t the only reader to contact us about the photograph used.

Paula Pook added: “I would like to complain about the article in your paper featuring a snarling Rottweiler regarding dangerous dogs being seized.

“They were in fact no Rottweilers at all seized in those numbers you mentioned.

“And as most well-educated people know, it’s usually the owners that have caused problems with there own lack of knowledge and understanding. Most dog attacks have actually been by Labradors.

“It really would be nice to see a truthful, well-researched piece of news regarding this matter.”