THE police mobile unit has visited the village recently and been informed of events being held in the village during the summer months. A working party has looked at the submission for Sutton in the Village of the Year Winners Competition. Judges will vi

THE police mobile unit has visited the village recently and been informed of events being held in the village during the summer months.

A working party has looked at the submission for Sutton in the Village of the Year Winners' Competition. Judges will visit on May 9, from 2.30pm-4.30pm to observe Sutton at work and play.

A report on the progress of the Glebe was given - the building is looking good and is now near completion. It was agreed that the main hall would be called Glebe Hall, the upstairs meeting room, the Spencer Room and the downstairs meeting room the Brunel Room. Tables and chairs requirements for the hall were discussed as well as external works, which include the car park and driveway.

The library access point meeting was positive with those present keen to form a library of some description. 15 dedicated volunteers are needed to work as library assistants and details will be circulated to all residents in the parish newsletter.

It was noted that the requested fence around the swale and cover for the grill at Stirling Way has not been put in place. It was resolved that the clerk would contact the Health and Safety executive regarding the site of the play park being adjacent to the swale and for their recommendations. ECDC will be informed that the parish council is unhappy that the issue is still unresolved.

Details of council meetings are displayed on the notice board in the High Street, the annual parish meeting is on April 20 at 7.30pm in the Pavilion