SUNDAY morning worship was delightfully free, involving many acclamations and prayers of praise, a scripture shared three unplanned songs, and times of silent wonder. After Holy Communion, we prayed for certain needy people in our congregation. The pastor

SUNDAY morning worship was delightfully free, involving many acclamations and prayers of praise, a scripture shared three unplanned songs, and times of silent wonder. After Holy Communion, we prayed for certain needy people in our congregation. The pastor's address, called 'God speaks to the community', looked at the prophetic role of the Church in giving expression to the mind and purposes of God, and the kind of contribution we should be making to the community around us. A time of prayer followed, for our community and for a new venture soon to start.

Sunday service: 10.30am - the pastor's address 'God speaks to the world', will conclude the current series. Crèche and Sunday School will be available. All are welcome.