Sunday service - 10.30am: The speaker will be Chuck Cohen who is here from Israel on a UK speaking tour. Crèche and Sunday School will be provided as usual. Chuck Cohen will also be the speaker at a seminar at the church, arranged by the Messianic (Christ

Sunday service - 10.30am: The speaker will be Chuck Cohen who is here from Israel on a UK speaking tour. Crèche and Sunday School will be provided as usual. Chuck Cohen will also be the speaker at a seminar at the church, arranged by the Messianic (Christian) Educational Trust, at 7.30pm on Friday and from 10am until 3pm on Saturday. The title is 'modern Israel and the ancient word'. There is no charge for the seminar, but offerings will be received to bless the speaker and cover expenses. On Saturday, hot drinks will be available and the building will remain open over the lunch break for those wishing to eat a packed lunch there.