PRESIDENT Rosemary Green welcomed members to the May meeting. A birthday gift was presented to Lorna Lucas. The speaker for the evening was one of our members, Lia Conder who gave a talk and showed photographs of her recent holiday to the Galapagos Island

PRESIDENT Rosemary Green welcomed members to the May meeting. A birthday gift was presented to Lorna Lucas. The speaker for the evening was one of our members, Lia Conder who gave a talk and showed photographs of her recent holiday to the Galapagos Islands. The resolution to be discussed at this year' s annual meeting in June. The competition for a flower from your garden was won by Rosemary and Rose-Marie came second. Draw prize winners were: Pauline Allen, Florence Jones, Meg Murray, Lorna Lucas and Brenda Maton. A coffee morning has been arranged for Thursday, May 31at the Cathedral Centre (the old Library). Do come and visit us.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, June 13 at the Old Dispensary, St Mary's Street when the speaker will be Ian Powys talking about Ely.