PRESIDENT Rosemary Green welcomed members and a visitor, Sheila Williams, to the July meeting. A birthday gift and card were given to Rose-marie Lawrence. Local artist Stuart Green kindly stepped in to show members the work he has been commissioned to do

PRESIDENT Rosemary Green welcomed members and a visitor, Sheila Williams, to the July meeting. A birthday gift and card were given to Rose-marie Lawrence.

Local artist Stuart Green kindly stepped in to show members the work he has been commissioned to do for the Diamond 44 Group, including a mural for Prickwillow Pumping Engine. He was thanked by Brenda Maton and presented with a gift. Stuart then judged the competition for a knitted or crocheted square, won by Lia Condor. The draw was held followed by poetry readings from Ellen Jones.

The next meeting will be a barbecue at the home of Rosemary on August 23. Visitors welcome.

INFO: contact Christine on 01353 663398