Keen-eyed Ely Standard readers have helped shed light on an old photograph published in our pages.

Reader Mary Neal sent in this photo and said it was taken in the late 1940s or early 1950s at a Christmas party hosted for workers at Paradise Farm.

Mrs Neal’s mother and father-in-law, Jack and Florence Neal, are sat first and second left in the picture but she was keen to find out more about other people in the picture and the year in which it was taken.

And Ten Mile Bank resident Fred Boyd, who is seated second right in the picture, was quick to contact us.

Mr Boyd, 82, worked as a tractor driver at Paradise Farm for about three years and believes the picture was taken in the early 1950s, when he was about 19-years-old.

Mr Boyd said the owner of Paradise Farm at that time, Percy Stevens, grew sugar beet and wheat on the land but also had turkeys on a farm in Pymoor.

Ray Cross, 82, of Ely, also got in touch with us and revealed he too worked at the farm driving tractors. He says the gentleman sat first on the right was farm labourer Charlie Peters, the lady sat third on the right was Daphne Turner and the gentleman sat opposite her was Reg Turner.