THE monthly coffee and cake morning was well-attended and the winner for the May Quiz was announced; it was Hilary Taylor who lives in Derbyshire. Haddenham quizzes are travelling far and wide! June quizzes are obtainable by phoning: 01353 740230. The 22

THE monthly coffee and cake morning was well-attended and the winner for the May Quiz was announced; it was Hilary Taylor who lives in Derbyshire. Haddenham quizzes are travelling far and wide! June quizzes are obtainable by phoning: 01353 740230.

The 22nd anniversary of the Shell Group was held on Sunday; the preacher was Ros Hollingsworth, from Cambridge, and the theme was 'talents'. A sketch was performed by the young people and those taking part were Sarah and Hannah Divall, Hiedi Pate, Rachael Frost and Sam Gooby; a former Shell member, Joanne Gooby helped the younger ones. Leader Barbara Galley would like to hear from any seven-year old who would like to join the group on alternate Friday evenings from 7pm to 8.30pm and her phone number is: 01353 740514.

The United Ladies Fellowship met on Wednesday afternoon for tea and chat ; this is an Ecumenical Group to which all women are invited; details of further meetings are available in the parish magazine, Village Voice.