WE had a circuit service on Sunday morning to say farewell to Raymond and Rhonda Hampton. He and the Rev Roger Steward conducted the service and Holy Communion was celebrated. Today there will be a circuit service when Mr Tony Murfitt will be the preacher

WE had a circuit service on Sunday morning to say farewell to Raymond and Rhonda Hampton. He and the Rev Roger Steward conducted the service and Holy Communion was celebrated. Today there will be a circuit service when Mr Tony Murfitt will be the preacher. This will be followed by the weekly lunch served between noon and 1pm at a cost of £3. On Saturday the Smartie tubes are to be handed in between 10am and noon. Coffee and cake will be served. Janet Roebuck will be the preacher for Sunday morning and the stewards are arranging Songs of Praise at the evening service. Everyone is welcome at our services and events.