Littleport is a unique village in many ways.

Apart from the general friendliness of people when you’re out and about, there’s the same air of living in a community when you’re indoors - particularly if you have access to the internet.

Now Littleport has about 4,000 homes, and around 3,000 residents are online and part of Littleport’s internet community social networking sites.

This doesn’t mean that there’s never a public falling out between neighbours, in just the same way as you might, exchanging views that differ in the pubs or other social meet-up venues and groups.

And there’s plenty of them too in the village. From the Plough and Harrow, Crown Inn, and Swan on the River (pictured above) to the Ex-Servicemen’s, Club. Or the Flower Arranging Club and WI, to the Rotary or the Littleport Society.

The library also has groups that meet there - and is now hiring itself out for events.

Plenty of places to visit or join, and in which you may agree or disagree with fellow Littleport citizens as the mood takes you.

But for the most part that spirit of friendship prevails. And as well as being able to have a natter in cyberspace, the online facility acts just like the old Railway Lost Property Office used to! Only much more efficient!

Honesty too is a feature of everyday life in Littleport - and as well as leading on occasion to argument, with people voicing their honest opinions, both online and off it, it also adds to its harmony.

In only the last couple of weeks for instance people have had credit and debit cards dropped and left thither and yon restored to them by those who’d found them, door keys, always on the missing list after a trip out, don’t take long to get back either, and sundry children’s belongings.

A school coat dropped on the way home, always expensive to replace, was found, and a beloved stuffed toy was joyfully reunited with Sammy Crow’s daughter Amelia, after Wilma Croft found him and posted a photograph.

The Leisure Centre, in the face upheaval, is carrying on regardless in good Littleport tradition.

The gym and sports hall are all functioning, with events scheduled including carveries, quiz nights, discos and a wrestling special.

Manager Andy Rutterford is leaving for pastures new, when it closes, and I know all Littleport wishes him and his family well.