Is this your cat? Staff at the Branching Out Charity Shop in Littleport are trying to reunite the kitten with its owner after it was left on their doorstep last night.

Susan Wiggans, general manager, wrote on the Facebook page Littleport Village Voices, said:

“Unfortunately the poor kitten has quite a few health issues including a missing eye.

“We have taken the kitten to the vets and we are hopeful it will make a fully recovery to health.

“We are not the right location to take unwanted or injured animals so please don’t leave them on their own outside our shop. Take them to the correct location for animal adoption.

“The charitable money is not for vet bills but on this occasion we will support the kitten with its vet bills to get a better start this time.

“We will keep you posted on his or her progress. Hopefully it’s a little fighter.”