ALSO - pride at Team GB’s success at the Olympic Games, the latest on the furniture situation in Brook Dam and Viva’s latest audition.


EVEN the most miserable among us must have found something to make them feel proud and elated over the past fortnight during the running, jumping, pedalling, shooting, sailing and throwing festival in and around London.

For once Andy Murray was definitely British and not just that Scotsman and I even found myself punching the air when Peter Wilson shattered his last clay.

Those who weren’t swept along with the euphoria only needed to turn the TV off to avoid it all, which made the efforts of the Viva crowd seem a little over the top.

There was no need to run away to New York just to escape the Olympics, was there?


JAKE the spaniel has been keeping an eye on the furniture situation in Brook Dam.

As of Sunday he noted that the chairs were still in place and was wondering if a coffee table or sideboard might turn up. Nothing yet.

He’s not surprised that they are still in situ as he thinks that it would be difficult for Mr Burgess to balance two easy chairs on his barrow and almost impossible to get them into a black bag.

Nevertheless, Jake is keeping his eyes peeled in case a nice, snugly blanket turns up.


SOMEONE seems to have got hold of the wrong end of the stick as far as the alien object competition in the shops and businesses in Soham is concerned.

The idea is to get an answer sheet from Budgens, Chatterbox, JakHibs or Soham Cycles and note down the out-of-place item in each of the participants.

Where it all seems to be going wrong is that the alien objects keep disappearing.

They are being replaced, but that’s not the point. Write it down, don’t take it home!


IF running round in circles isn’t your thing then perhaps a little light hoofing might suit.

The second chance to audition for Viva’s forthcoming production of Stepping Out will take place on Tuesday at the Brook from 6-9pm.

You don’t have to be especially brilliant as there are some clever people there who will make you look far better than you think you are.

And it’s sure to be fun - and surely that’s what it’s all about.


IF you missed the chance to visit Timothy Clark’s gardens at Netherhall Manor on Tanners Lane on Sunday then all is not lost. They will be open again this Sunday from 2-5pm.

There is a small admission fee for charity and, as well as a chance to see some very interesting plants and vegetables you can unwind on the lawn with a cup of tea and a cake.

What better way to spend a sunny afternoon while contributing to a good cause?


RUMOURS are wonderful things. The latest to do the rounds is that someone won �1million on the opening ceremony lottery with a ticket they bought at Budgens.

So far nobody has appeared in a Rolls Royce or ordered a pint of Champagne in the Fountain but there are observers about looking.

The latest variation on the tale is that the lucky person actually lives in Littleport. Let’s face it, if you live in Littleport you deserve a bit of luck!

Never having won anything much on the lottery I keep wondering if I ought to buy a ticket now and again.


WITH BSWs standing empty and unloved it seems a pity that someone can’t find a new use for the building.

As it’s a pretty large space I wonder if it couldn’t be used as an indoor market.

It would give people without enough backing to open a shop the chance to see how their ideas might work and also might even attract some people into the town.

I know there is a bit of a dispute about who holds market rights for Soham, but surely this should have been resolved by now.

Let’s face it, anything is better than another empty shop.