KEITH Waters led the opening time of worship at the morning service. Intercessory payer was made for people within the church. Thanks-giving was also offered for John who has had a successful eye operation. Pastor Lowman spoke from Exodus 19 at Mount Sina

KEITH Waters led the opening time of worship at the morning service.

Intercessory payer was made for people within the church. Thanks-giving was also offered for John who has had a successful eye operation.

Pastor Lowman spoke from Exodus 19 at Mount Sinai considering why worship is important.

During Holy Communion, Paul and Ali Coghlan and Paul and Annie Newns were received into membership.

Rob Booth led the worship Sunday evening, during which, there was a timesharing. Pastor Lowman spoke from Matthew 6.

The pastor also led the 501 Group in the church hall at 8pm. Wednesday evening is the prayer meeting and will focus on sickness and healing, The youth club met throughout the week.

Next Sunday's service will be led by the pastor. The theme in the morning is suffering church Sunday, Psalm 31 and a Remembrance service.