AT the Sunday morning service, Keith Waters spoke to the young people about King David. During the Sunday School session in the church hall, Jo Sammons led the praise and worship. Pastor Lowman spoke about the Lent studies. At the 5.30pm prayer meeting in

AT the Sunday morning service, Keith Waters spoke to the young people about King David. During the Sunday School session in the church hall, Jo Sammons led the praise and worship. Pastor Lowman spoke about the Lent studies. At the 5.30pm prayer meeting in the vestry, prayers were mainly concentrated on the needs within the church and worldwide.

Tim Bellinger led the praise and worship. On Wednesday, the fellowship hour had lunch and the Revd Stephen Watts led afterwards. The last meeting of the Lent housegroup met during the week. On Sunday, at 4.30pm, a celebration tea will be held in the hall and at 6.30pm there will be a United Celebration Service which will be the close of the Lent studies.