JO Sammons led the Fellowship Hour on Wednesday and the theme was God s love and our love. Louise Lomax led the Praise and Worship on Sunday morning. The theme was based on unity in the body of Christ . During the worship the younger children joined in b

JO Sammons led the Fellowship Hour on Wednesday and the theme was God's love and our love. Louise Lomax led the Praise and Worship on Sunday morning. The theme was based on 'unity in the body of Christ'. During the worship the younger children joined in by dancing and waving different coloured flags. John Baldock spoke on 'how God speaks to his people in and through many different ways'. A sermon given by Pastor Lowman a few months ago about 'the seven doors' - each one had a heading - faith, prayer and fasting, giving, serving, worship, restoring and love. In the evening, Keith Waters spoke on 'the characteristics of Jesus and his coming into the world as The Messiah'. The usual weekly prayer groups and youth groups met during the week. On Wednesday, the Fellowship held its quarterly/annual church meeting where many items were discussed, dealt with in the way The Lord directed. Next Sunday morning, Pastor Lowman will continue the series on 'Haggai' and in the evening, Psalm 2 will form the message. As always, a very warm welcome to any one who wishes to join us on Sunday and also to the Fellowship Hour held fortnightly on Wednesday afternoons.