PRESIDENT Yvonne Dockerill welcomed members to our May meeting. During a short business meeting we arranged to hold our 22nd birthday, next month, at Castle Lodge. Birthday greetings were extended to Joan and Liz. The speaker for the meeting gave an info

PRESIDENT Yvonne Dockerill welcomed members to our May meeting. During a short business meeting we arranged to hold our 22nd birthday, next month, at Castle Lodge. Birthday greetings were extended to Joan and Liz. The speaker for the meeting gave an informative talk on Welney and the new visitors' centre at the reserve. After refreshments, Joyce Casham was announced as the competition winner for the best bird ornament.

Ruth Sindall outlined the two resolutions to be put forward in Cardiff, our club will be represented by Joan Bullman. These were supported by club members and the meeting ended with the singing of Jerusalem.