Services for November 12, Remembrance Sunday: 8am – Holy Communion with preacher Fred Kilner; 10.30am – Family Communion with preacher Piers Coutts; 6.30pm – Second Sunday with Valerie Kilner. Wednesday: 7pm – Holy Communion. Thursday: 9.30am – Holy

Services for November 12, Remembrance Sunday: 8am - Holy Communion with preacher Fred Kilner;

10.30am - Family Communion with preacher Piers Coutts; 6.30pm - Second Sunday with Valerie Kilner.

Wednesday: 7pm - Holy Communion.

Thursday: 9.30am - Holy Communion

Alpha Course continue on Thursdays at 7pm

INFO: Contact Tel 662308.

St Peter's Church

Sunday: 9.15 am - Sung Eucharist with celebrant and preacher the Rev Reg Macklin.

Wednesday: 1 pm - Lunchtime Service; 7.30pm - Bible study.