A memory gathering project took place in the old world charm of Adams Heritage Centre where people shared stories and laughs as part of a community arts project.

The Field Theatre Group hosted a “Button Tree” session based on an old fashioned get together, to give people the chance to laugh and talk, share their news, stories and memories.

A spokesman said; “It was a step back in time to enjoy the nostalgic atmosphere of a good old-fashioned get-together.

“We have already collected some wonderful family stories to add to our community Button Tree.

“We have recorded some extraordinary memories, some funny, others touching. Amazing stories about ordinary people.

“There’s the added excitement of seeing your stories reproduced in our specially commissioned book: The Littleport Button Tree.”

The Button Tree project is a large-scale community textile work created by Littleport-based textile artist and tutor, Fiona Lidgey-Robinson, with volunteers from the community

• The ‘open community’ sessions are for people to bring buttons, photographs and stories to share with others. They are open to residents of all ages and accompanied children. For future sessions visit the fieldtheatregroup website or email thefieldtheatregroup@hotmail.co.uk.