MORNING service was conducted by the Rev Jim Mullin. The musicians were Alan, David, Eddie and Jackie, with Anne leading the singing. Joy welcomed everyone and gave out the notices. Happy Birthday was sung to Elizabeth, Joan, Enid and Alan, and congratul

MORNING service was conducted by the Rev Jim Mullin. The musicians were Alan, David, Eddie and Jackie, with Anne leading the singing. Joy welcomed everyone and gave out the notices. Happy Birthday was sung to Elizabeth, Joan, Enid and Alan, and congratulations were given to Linsey and David on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. Jim prayed for everyone and he then read out a letter received from Peter, thanking everyone for their goodwill messages during his recent stay in hospital.

Jim spoke to the children about trust, telling them the story of Elijah and his trusted servant, encouraging them to do the actions fitting the storyline.

George, Sara and Rachel took up the offering. Jim then reminded the congregation of the light party being held and asked for prayers for this event. The Bible reading was from 2 Kings Chap: 19 vv 14-19, from which Jim took for the theme of his sermon, 'the battle is the Lord's'. The service closed with singing.