THE morning service was conducted by Elizabeth. Jackie, Eddie, Bob and David were the musicians. Jim welcomed everyone and gave out the notices. Elizabeth began with reading Psalm 145 and we sang. Steve spoke to the children. Josh and Nathaniel walked ar

THE morning service was conducted by Elizabeth. Jackie, Eddie, Bob and David were the musicians. Jim welcomed everyone and gave out the notices.

Elizabeth began with reading Psalm 145 and we sang. Steve spoke to the children. Josh and Nathaniel walked around the church backwards and forwards to demonstrate how we must follow our leader Jesus who calmed the seas and we must trust him.

George and Sarah took up the offering. Elizabeth spoke of the Global Prayer Day and of the people in Korea, followed by a prayer and open prayer. Jo read a bible reading and a prayer.

We sang three hymns. Stuart read Luke 14, 25-34. Elizabeth read Matthew 14, 25-34, followed by prayer. The theme for Elizabeth's sermon was 'walking on the water of life'. The service closed with a hymn and prayer.

Next Sunday, we will be visited by the Puppet Power team of Grimsby Baptist Church for the family service at 10.45am and then a workshop and presentation from 13.30.