FAMILY service was conducted by Myra. Jim welcomed everybody and gave out the notices. Musicians for the day were, Jackie and Alan, with Anne leading the singing. Myra then spoke to the children about bullying and Polly and Tim the puppets did a little sk

FAMILY service was conducted by Myra. Jim welcomed everybody and gave out the notices. Musicians for the day were, Jackie and Alan, with Anne leading the singing. Myra then spoke to the children about bullying and Polly and Tim the puppets did a little sketch along with Gareth and Don about a crocodile and how it pinched the chocolate bars from the puppets. This was followed by singing. Another sketch followed this up, in which, Joy, Rachel and Daniel took part. The children sang, while Stuart and Elizabeth took up the collection. Elizabeth followed this with prayers for the offering. Don, Gareth, Elizabeth and Myra told a story of bygone days and how they all hoped for better things in the future. The children gave a Bible reading from Matthew, chap: 12 vv1-25, each of them reading a passage, right down to the smallest one who had learned her piece by heart. The children each received a prize for helping out so well.