THE air ambulance was called out to Littleport on Tuesday afternoon following reports that a woman had stopped breathing after an object had become stuck in her throat.

THE air ambulance was called out to Littleport on Tuesday afternoon following reports that a woman had stopped breathing after an object had become stuck in her throat.

The Helimedix team were taken to the scene by air ambulance at 12.40pm to find that a 51-year-old woman had collapsed and was unconscious after an object had become lodged in her throat.

The Helimedix team were joined at the scene by a land ambulance and were preparing to anaesthetise the women when the object dislodged and she was able to breathe again.

Despite dis-lodging however, the object remain stuck in the women’s throat and made it difficult for her to breathe so she was transported to Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge by ambulance.

A spokesman for Helimedix described the women’s condition as stable.