A General Election will be held on July 4, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced yesterday.

As part of Ely Standard's General Election coverage, we'll be speaking to candidates about their priorities for Ely and East Cambridgeshire. 

Standing for the Labour Party is Elizabeth McWilliams, the chair of Landbeach Parish Council. 

Standing as an MP to "bring hope and change", McWilliams has lived in the constituency for 20 years. 

Asked about her priorities for Ely and East Cambridgeshire, she said: "This is a chance to turn the page on 14 years of Tory Government and to chart a new course for the country.

"My priorities align with Labour’s missions for Government which includes an NHS free to use with more doctors and dentists, affordable and decent homes to rent or buy. 

"And more teachers in our classrooms and fairer funding for our local schools, employment rights and job security, tackling antisocial behaviour with more officers on the beat and fines for water companies that pollute our rivers."

She added: "I will be easy to contact, act decisively on issues and be visible in our area. I will be in the service of residents.

"The only way to bring about change is by voting the Tories out and electing a new Labour Government."