Cllr Chris Phillips has been re-elected as the Mayor of Ely for the 2024-25 term.

In a ceremony held at The Maltings on May 13, Cllr Phillips was re-elected to serve.

He will be joined by Mary Rone as the mayoress.

Following his re-election, the mayor said that he was "enormously proud to take on the role of Mayor for a second year."

He has promised to be a conscientious and hard-working holder of the office.

Cllr Phillips also thanked the people who made his 2023-24 year "so interesting and successful".

Along with his Mayoress, the Mayor will work closely with the community for the next local government year.

In his closing remarks, the mayor of praised everyone who works in a voluntary role in the city, assuring them that they'll be supported by both himself, the mayoress, and the City Council. 

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