Two teachers who shaved their hair in front of pupils and parents to raise funds for charity Just George have raised more than £2,000.

Children and families watched on as Catherine Mulholland, Tracey Rice, and parent Daisy Winchester all shaved off their pink hair to raise money for cancer research.

Former headteacher Lisa Radcliffe and husband David set up the special named fund at Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) in memory of Isleham boy George who was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma.

The fund has raised more than £70,000 since its launch last September.

George, who died aged four in October 2023, was just three-years-old when, in May 2022, he was diagnosed with the rare cancer.

Lisa made the first shave on each head and then Georgia of The Moore Hair Company, John Michael of John Michael Hair shaved the rest.

Tracey said: “It was amazing experience and the whole school came together to support such an amazing cause.

"The children saw a real first hand experience of Empathy in Action, which I am sure will encourage many more.”

Catherine added: "I'm so proud to be part of such a worthy cause. It was an amazing experience; one I shall treasure forever.

"I hope that the children will be inspired whether now or in later life to do something for someone else

Writing on the fundraising page, Lisa said: “We want families in the future to be offered kinder treatments for their children’s cancer and for more successful treatments to be found for rhabdomyosarcoma.

“If this fund can go any way to helping other families battling this horrendous disease, then George’s incredible fight would have been for something.”

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