Check out the weekly list of planning applications validated by East Cambridgeshire District Council from the week of March 11.

Monday, March 11

T1-3 Apple x3 - Prune to restore shape, avoid suppression of one tree by another, improve air flow and health of trees, and remove dead or broken branches. T4-5 Apple x2 - Prune to restore shape, avoid suppression of one tree by the other, improve air flow and health of trees, also remove ivy and any dead or broken branches. T6 Plum - Prune to improve air flow, remove dead or broken branches (if any). T7 Plum - Prune to remove dead and broken branches, remove a branch that is growing up against (touching) the main stem. Relatively poor condition including Phellinus pomaceus fungus. T8-9 Plum x2 - Prune to restore shape, avoid suppression, improve air flow and health of trees, also remove ivy and any dead or broken branches. T10 Pear - Prune to restore shape, avoid suppression, improve air flow and health of trees, also remove ivy and any dead or broken branches. T11 Cherry Plum - Prune to restore shape, remove branches extending into neighbouring properties, remove ivy and any dead or broken branches - 6 West End, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 3BY - 24/00260/TRE

Non material amendment to previously approved 21/00479/FUL for demolition of existing conservatory and erection of two-storey rear extension - 82 New Cheveley Road, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 8BS - 21/00479/NMAA

Demolish existing single storey side extension and rear conservatory and construct a 2 storey side extension and part single storey rear extension - Quince Cottage, 5 Park Lane, Little Downham, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 2TF - 24/00261/FUL

Installation of a summer house - 27 North Street, Burwell, Cambridge, CB25 0BA - 24/00262/FUL

To discharge Condition 8 (soft landscaping and biodiversity enhancement) 9 (landscape management plan) for 23/00377/ESF dated 15 December 2023 for construction of glasshouses with integrated packing and distribution unit, combined heat and power (CHP) plant, heat storage tanks, an irrigation centre, employee welfare/canteen, access roads, parking, surface water attenuation lagoon, landscaping and other ancillary development - Land North East of Chear Farm, Ely Road, Chittering, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire - 23/00377/DISC

First floor rear extension to dwelling and new roof to garage - 6 Wilburton Road, Stretham, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 3LL - 24/00269/FUL

Tuesday, March 12

T1 Walnut tree - reduce by 1.5-2m, no further than the previous points T2 Elder - Fell T3 Deodar Cedar - Re-shape, removing 1m of bulge on both sides on the drive and roadside - The Old Bakery, 22 High Street, Chippenham, Cambridgeshire, CB7 5PP - 24/00277/TRE

To Discharge condition 8 (surface water drainage system (incl all SuDs features)) and 18 (Residential Travel Plan) of decision dated 20 December 2019 for 19/00180/OUM Erection of up to 40 new dwellings, substation and associated infrastructure and works following demolition of all buildings and structures on site, all matters reserved apart from access - 64 Station Road, Haddenham, Cambridgeshire, CB6 3XD - 19/00180/DISI

To discharge Condition 2 (soft landscaping scheme) of decision dated 17 April 2020 for 19/01630/OUT Outline application for residential development, comprising three detached dwellings, with all matters reserved except access - Os Land Parcel 5700, South West Of 5 Stetchworth Road, Woodditton, Cambridgeshire, CB8 9SP - 19/01630/DISB

T1 Cherry - Remove, this work has been recommended by a surveyor following the flooding of our basement in October last year. We plan to remove the Cherry tree and plant an Apple tree in the back garden away from the house. We also intend to build a wall at the front border to replace the fence once the Cherry tree has been removed - 21 Downham Road, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 1AQ - 24/00279/TRE

Wednesday, March 13

T1 Conifer Hedge - Fell as in decline and re plant Yew - High House, 85 High Street, Cheveley, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 9DQ - 24/00285/TRE

Thursday, March 14

No planning applications validated on this day.

Friday, March 15

No planning applications validated on this day.