East Cambridgeshire District Council have given out free electric blankets to 250 residents across the area this winter.

The Energy Team at East Cambridgeshire District Council handed out the blankets to low income residents to help them with the cost of living crisis.

The blankets heat the person using them, rather than the room, and eliminate the need to have the heating on high during the colder months.

It has been calculated that for less than 50p a day, they can provide up to seven hours of warmth.

Recipients of the blankets are vulnerable people who are in receipt of either a Personal Independence Payment or Attendance Allowance.

The council received funding for the Heating and Health project through the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System.

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Claire Finch, Home Energy Advisor for the council, said: “I have thoroughly enjoyed working on this project and it has been extremely rewarding.

"To be able to give some of our most vulnerable residents something which will have a positive impact on energy bills at no cost to them is great.”