Littleport more than fulfils the generally-perceived criteria for qualification as an English village - ‘2 pubs and a church’ - or as its new designation proclaims, a town...

As well as shops and service providers, it has a woodland garden, medical centre, three purpose-built places of worship, two suitcase churches (hired premises) and three public houses.

It also has an established social Ex-Servicemen’s Club, a new community and youth centre and a well-appointed leisure centre.

There is also a library, a civic hall that used to be the Salvation Army citadel, a heritage centre, primary and secondary schools and a village hall, all of which host innumerable activities and events that benefit the Littleport population including the Women's Institute and flower arranging club.

The arts are well-served, too, with music (Littleport Brass Band), theatre (The Littleport Players), painting and crafts (The Field Theatre Group).

The latter's artistic director and project lead on Bel Dam Arts – older women – over 60’s to you and me – is Deborah Curtis Watson.

Mostly based at the Adams Heritage Centre, Deborah says they have just received a grant.

“It will enable us to offer a range of accessible courses such as textiles, digital art, jewellery-making and more.”

There are plenty of older people’s activities, and events and pastimes for all ages at all the places previously mentioned including the churches.

Thursday (February 22) is the 'seniors social' (1-3pm) in the village hall with the Harmonica Men providing the entertainment. £3 includes refreshments and raffle.

Next Tuesday, February 27, from 10.45am to 1pm, there's coffee and chat, games and crafts at St George’s Church.

The younger and very young are helped by the East Cambridgeshire Child and Family Centre, which is based at Littleport Community Primary School, for babies’ their parents, carers, minders, 01353 612770.

Littleport Leisure has a whole raft of sessions across the age range – and manager Clare Pendle says “it’s time to show your child that you can have fun too!”

Try one of the many child-friendly fitness sessions like ‘Legs, Bums and Tums’ where you can see your child playing in a safe area while they watch you exercise. 01353 373800.