I write in response to Stan Geering’s letter entitled 'This plan must be stopped' which was published in your February 1 edition. 

Of course, it is important to consult the residents before changes to speed limits are put in place. 

In Haddenham, Cambridgeshire County Council’s Highways Department ran a full and thorough consultation before we introduced our 20mph limit. 

The response from residents was overwhelmingly positive for slowing the traffic down within the heart of the village. 

The empirical data from the speed signs located throughout the 20mph limit clearly show us that the introduction of the new speed limit in March 2023 has been successful. 

The traffic has slowed down considerably making it safer for the pedestrians, cyclists and other motorists.

There is, of course, still a minority of top-end speeders for whom, apparently, the law does not apply.  It should be noted though that this was also the case before the 20mph limit was introduced and will be the same up and down the country. 

We are looking into various ways of tackling this issue, with much appreciated police support.

Mr Geering ends his letter by implying that 20mph restrictions are not a positive development. 

I would therefore like to reassure him that our 20mph limit has actually decreased congestion as the slower rate of traffic flow has meant fewer stop-starts. 

We await the environmental testing data to see whether the pollution levels have also decreased from pre-March 2023 levels. 

My guess would be that they have since there are now far fewer queues of stationary vehicles with idling engines.

Finally, I often find that actually listening to what children try to tell us can be incredibly valuable and humbling.  I was moved by what the pupils of the Robert Arkenstall School in Haddenham had to say on this matter.  Their video can be found in the Road Safety section of the Hadddenham (Cambs) Parish Council webpages.  It is worth watching.


Cllr Stephen Thompson

Chair, Haddenham Parish Council