A new poetry competition is being launched in East Cambridgeshire next year.

The contest for the Tedora Cup is free to enter and open for people of all ages.

There are several categories: up to 12, 13-17, 18 and over.

Poems on ‘The Aftermath’ are wanted.

Please send you entries to rjwestwell@hotmail.com or post to: St Andrew’s Church Witchford, 73A Main St., Witchford, Ely, Cambs. CB6 2HQ by 11th May.

Please include your name, address including post code, phone, email address and age (or ‘adult’).

Entrants keep copyright of their poems but agree to publicity and to the church using them for church activities in the future.

Winners will be announced at a concert in the church on Tuesday June 11 at 7pm.