A voluntary team based in East Cambridgeshire needs more equipment, volunteers and funding to support the community. 

Voluntary Community Action East Cambridgeshire (VCAEC) is a volunteer centre covering East Cambridgeshire.

The group operates the Helping Hands Gardening Scheme and the Social Car Scheme, both of which have been helping the local community for more than 25 years.

In order to provide help to people, they need some more volunteers. Here's how you can help.

The Helping Hands Gardening: Needs equipment. These can be purchased on www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/3VOQSGLKAWE6N?ref_=wl_share or you could donate your old gardening equipment.

The Co-op Local Community Fund https://membership.coop.co.uk/causes/76441. For every £1 you spend the Co-op gives the scheme 2p which will go towards the Helping Hands Gardening Scheme.

You could also support by attending one of the events put on at the Kings Arms in Ely which is supporting the group as one of its charities of the year.

There is also a Crowdfunding Campaign, and details  are available at: www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/voluntary-and-community-action-east-cambridgeshire-1160914 .

More information is available at: www.vcaec.org.uk.