Plans for a Cambridge congestion charge should stop and any reduction of the charge will ‘only make the plans worse’, East Cambridgeshire District Council has argued.

The district council’s leader councillor Anna Bailey said in a meeting on July 13 that changing the current Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) scheme would make a ‘poor transport offer worse’ due to there being less income.

The authority agreed a motion opposing road charging in the county and asking the GCP to look at other options to improve transport.

However, opposition councillors argued they needed to listen to everyone, including those who do not drive, whilst pushing for better outcomes for people in East Cambridgeshire.

A potential congestion charge was put forward as part of GCP proposals to fund and create an improved public transport network.

The original proposals set out plans for a Sustainable Travel Zone (STZ) within which drivers would pay a £5 weekday charge between 7am and 7pm.

A number of exemptions and discounts to the road charge were proposed, including for Blue Badge holders and people on low incomes.

The congestion charge was proposed to help fund public transport improvements, including a larger bus network, with cheaper and more frequent services.

The scheme proved controversial with more than 15,000 people signing a petition against a congestion charge in Cambridge.

The GCP held a public consultation on the proposals which more than 24,000 people responded to.

The findings showed that 70 per cent of respondents were in favour of the proposed transport network improvements, but 58 per cent opposed the congestion charge itself.

Last month the executive board at the GCP agreed to move forward with the plans, but said the original scheme should be modified. A revised detailed proposal is expected to come forward later this year.

The motion debated by the district council last week was the second motion the authority has agreed opposing congestion charging in Cambridge.

The authority called for work on implementing road charging to end, and for alternative proposals to be developed that “demonstrate public support”.

Cllr Bailey said the GCP consultation showed that it was “pretty clear” people wanted better public transport, but that the majority of people opposed the proposed road charge.

She said changes to the current proposals would result in a lower amount of income, which she said would impact what public transport improvements could be provided.

Cllr Bailey said: “An already poor transport offer that everybody I think in this chamber is united in saying the transport offer simply is not good enough for East Cambridgeshire residents, it is only set to get worse because there will be less money to pay for it.

“And yet the GCP board has tasked officers with developing proposals for the early introduction of a bus and sustainable travel package based on the £50million of city deal funding allocated for the purpose.

“They are literally designing a future bus network that the altered model will not be able to afford and when they start cutting services because they are unaffordable, where do you think those cuts will come, it will adversely affect the rural areas."

She added: "There is no public mandate for this, no politician in Cambridgeshire stood on a platform of introducing road charging, literally none, and the verdict is clear, the people have said no.”

Opposition councillors at the authority proposed to amend the motion, arguing what the leader had put forward did “not sufficiently address the acute need to improve public transport”.

Cllr Charlotte Cane, leader of the Liberal Democrat group at the district council, said the authority needed to work “constructively” to get the best outcome for people in the district.

She said: “We represent everybody, not just those fortunate enough to be affluent enough to afford a car and old enough and well enough to be able to drive it.

“We can all surely agree that we should note all of the responses, as Cllr Bailey said, many people did respond.

“We should note all the responses, not just the negative responses which reinforce the administration’s pre-existing views."

She added: £The original motion is weak and complacent in that it is urging GCP, Cambridgeshire County Council, and the Combined Authority to do what, well it is not clear, so this amendment strengthens it to demand substantial improvements to public transport for East Cambs residents. We need much better public transport and genuinely attractive options.”

The amendment failed to get enough support to be accepted into the motion. The original motion was supported by a majority of councillors.