Here are this week' Soham Community News reports from groups in the town.

Soham Community Group

On Monday, May 22, members of the Monday Club enjoyed a day's outing. Departing from Soham at 9.30am, the first step of their journey took them to a garden centre, in Huntingdon.

The remaining group were then dropped off at Hartford Marina to board the Ladybird boat. This headed towards St Ives where a stop was made for a picnic lunch.

Community Coffee Morning

On the morning of Tuesday, May 23, 26 people joined Diane Wheeling for chat, coffee tea and biscuits. It was an excellent opportunity to meet up with friends and also make new friends.

A selection of books were on sale and during the morning, Diane organised the raffle of prizes donated by the members. Coffee mornings take place on Tuesday mornings, from 9am till 11am.

Comrades Club

On the evening of Tuesday, May 23, about 25 people met in the Comrades Club for an evening of bingo. During the break for refreshments, the raffle was drawn. New members are always welcome and doors open at 7pm for eyes-down at 7.30pm.

Over 60s Club.

On the afternoon of Friday, May 26, members got together in The Pavilion. Roger Holliday took names for the mystery tour planned for Friday, July 7. Ruth Ginn had brought along a selection of scrap books with many photographs and drawings of holidays she had taken with her family in the 1980s.

Roger gave the vote of thanks on behalf of the members. Refresmentswere served and the raffle of the many prizes donated by the members was organised by Roger.

The Over 60s Club welcomes new speakers and entertainment. If you can help, please contact Ruth Ginn on: 01353. 720128 with your details.

INFO: If you would like your club or meetings included in my column, you can contact me at: