Littleport is a place where even octogenarians and nonagenarians can mingle on a night out with millennials, should they feel like taking themselves away from those otherwise compelling who dunnits and quizzes on the telly.

And nights out aren’t always music and possibly dancing – like the karaoke this Friday (April 28) at the Littleport Ex-Servicemen’s Club on Ponts Hill (all welcome) or Saturday night (April 29) when professional singer and entertainer Simon ‘Rosie’ Rose will entertain you in the welcoming atmosphere of The Crown Inn.

By the way, The Crown has a bingo night also this Friday at the village hall to raise funds for the wonderful amdram Littleport Players, but it’s about sold out.

And, on Monday nights, there’s a dance session at Littleport Village Hall from 7-9pm with tuition. Organiser and Latin American dance teacher Anna says “get moving and be uplifted - it’s great exercise!”

At the hall on Tuesday night at 7.30pm, a more sedentary and serious, but sociable, event is being held.

The friendly Littleport Society presents a free social evening where Doug Stewart, County PRO for Cambridgeshire Army Cadets, a photographer and military historian, will tell us about our soldiers in World War One, with a display of relics from the trenches. There will be refreshments of course.

For those born 100 years since the Armistice, there are also out-of-school activities at the Littleport Leisure centre, like tennis with the 10is academy for ages five to nine from 4.30-5.30pm Mondays, and on Fridays from 11.10-11.55am for ages two to four.

Bridging the generation gap, Littleport author and illustrator Mark W Duff recently wrote some lovely stories for his four grandchildren about Marsh the penguin.

Three books are now published, and Mark has been invited to Millfield School to talk about writing, and to read some of his ethical stories to them. Available on Amazon, typically Littleport, 70 per cent is going to charity.