Why the hike in rent for the allotment?


I do not normally write letters to newspapers, but on this occasion, I felt I had to highlight something that is happening in Soham.

For a long time now, I have had an allotment on a site known as Millcroft, and up until now, the rents have been okay, at £39 per year.

But a notice has gone up at our site, and the other two sites, that the rent will be increased by £50 in October 2023.

This is due, they say, to rising allotment costs. That just cannot be true. There is no water on my site and no fence keeping things tidy to maintain and no skips.

It seems to me they want us off the site, ruining our enjoyment, so they can use it for something else. 

What do other allotment holders think?


Allotment Holder

Clay Street, Soham


We need to ensure voters are not barred

The new requirement to show a specific photo ID at polling stations, which kicks in on the May 4 in certain parts of the country, is the biggest change to how we vote in a generation. 

It’s going to come as a surprise to many voters - a poll published on the January 13, 2023 found that just 33 per cent of people were aware of this requirement.

With the Government’s own figures suggesting that more than two million people do not have a valid photo ID, this could lead to more than a hundred thousand people being turned away from polling station.

So far, at least, the government’s Voter Authority Certificate (VAC) is likely to make little difference, with just 10,000 applications so far.

For those who do not have a photo ID such as a driving licence or passport, you can apply online for the Voter Authority Certificate. Otherwise, you can apply for a postal vote, as these do not require a photo ID.

Views about the necessity for photo voter ID may differ, but there is a consensus on the importance of elections running smoothly and eligible voters being able to vote.

So I would urge your readers to contact their local MP. 

Firstly to ask their MP to contact the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to ask him to fund an all household mailing, so that everyone knows about photo voter ID.

Secondly, to ask their MP to ask Mr Gove to confirm what target the government has set for the sign-up of those without valid photo voter ID to a VAC. 

I believe that the Government should be aiming to ensure every eligible voter is not barred from voting, due to a lack of a photo ID. 

The integrity of our elections depends on it.

Brighid Simpkin

By Email


MP should be ashamed of her Party

Here in East Cambs, we are very proud of our Warm Hubs. The generous response of so many people to the sickness and distress caused by the cost-of-living crisis, in particular the cost of heating crisis, has been truly remarkable.

At our Warm Hubs, adults and children find warmth, comfort, hot drinks and social contact. This goes some way towards counteracting the huge losses people have suffered from our government's disastrous policies.

When Lucy Frazer, our Conservative MP, decides it looks good for her to be visiting some of our Warm Hubs, many of us feel real hurt and anger.

Rather than sharing the wealth of the sixth richest country in the world, the aim of her Party has always been to extract as much profit as possible from as many people as possible.

Hence we pay the highest energy prices in the world, 'helped' by a government that is funnelling our money straight into energy-market profits.

We are supposed to be grateful for this 'help' while not realising that we will have to pay even this money back by some future surcharge.

Lucy Frazer should be ashamed of what the Tories have done to this country. We hope to see no more of her patronising visits to Warm Hubs and we look forward to the day when she and her Party are democratically voted out.

Lydia Hill and Gill Spencer

By Email


Soham Community Reports

Heartbeat Health Walk

On the morning of Monday, January 30, the bright sunshine attracted 22 people to join David Clarke and Linda Everitt for the three-mile walk around Soham.

They departed from St Andrew's Church at 10am and with David leading, they walked around the town and finished up in the High Street where they enjoyed some refreshment.

Soham Community Group.

Due to illness attendance at the Monday Club on January 30 was slightly  depleted. Once everyone arrived they were served cake, scones and sausage rolls with coffee or tea. Angela attended with her Pat dog Lily. There was also lunch which was supplied by The Cherry Tree.

The craft afternoon was organised by Jenny Fletcher and Jean Gammon. Ann Fleet organised the raffle of the many prizes supplied by Andrew Fleet.Games of bingo were played with Carol Brennan calling the numbers.Diane Smith celebrated a birthday but did not attend the club this time.Before making there way home members enjoyed refreshments.

Community Care Coffee Morning.

Diane Wheeling welcomed 21 people to the coffee morning on January 31.Diane organised the raffle. Members enjoyed refreshments. Everyone is welcome on Tuesdays in The Pavilion, from 9am to 11am.

Comrades Club

The bingo enthusiasts have settled back at the Comrades club on Tuesday evenings,  which attracts 25 to 30 people. During the break for refreshments, the raffle was organised. New members always welcome. Doors open at 7pm for eyes down at 7.45pm.

Knit and knatter

Members met at Soham Town Rangers Football Club on the afternoon of February 2. The group is busy knitting Easter chicks to be displayed at the church and on postboxs in the town.

They are also knitting Easter chicks which will have a chocolate egg and will be sold to raise money for a hedgehog carers fund. If you would like to join this friendly group,  they meet on Thursday afternoons, from 1.30pm-4pm. All welcome.

Over 60s Club.

On February 3, Ruth welcomed everyone to the meeting which was well attended. Richard Badcock gave out details regarding outing to King's Lynn in March and proposed outings for later in the year. Members took part in a quiz. The winners were Molly Brown's team. Everyone received a small prize and refreshments were served. Richard Badcock organised the raffle. The meeting closed with the singing of the club hymn

Soham Bowls Club.

On the evening of February 3, a bingo evening was held in the club room and this was well supported. Richard Badcock called the numbers and he was assisted by Marion Bysouth checking the books. Daphne Trinder organised the raffle. The next bingo evening at the club is on March 10. Doors open at 6.30pm for eyes down at 7pm.All welcome.

Yvonne Long