Thai restaurant boss Sisin Paragon has been refused permission to turn a semi detached house in Ely into two flats.

East Cambs Council refused the application in January and now that decision has been upheld on appeal.

The Planning Inspectorate says the main issues they looked at were the amenity of other residents and problems with car parking.

Mr Paragon owns 7 St Ovins Green and the council rejected his conversion plans after noting that space for only car was unacceptable. They also didn’t think the area could sustain any more off-road parking.

The council claimed that by sub dividing the house it would result in two homes “substantially smaller” than the space provided for in planning regulations.

Officials felt it would “create significant detrimental harm”

Planning inspector Tim Wood was also worried about the outdoor space and how little would remain if the dissection of the house went ahead.

He felt their proposals “do not represent good design” and although the council needed extra homes as it cannot demonstrate a five year supply, in this instance the harm caused “is sufficient to significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits”.