A taxi firm in Ely has introduced an initiative to discourage drink-driving during work Christmas party season.

A2BTaxiCabs has introduced ‘hangover recovery kits’ for anyone travelling back from their festive party.

The firm’s aim is to encourage those attending to leave the car keys at home and make safe travel arrangements.

The kits will include water, a sachet of coffee and some much-needed sugary sweets, but most importantly a safe and secure journey home.

Managing director at A2BTaxiCabs, Jamie Edmunds, said: “The kits may only be a small addition, but it’s an initiative that really aims to raise awareness during this Christmas season.

“We hope the kits make a significant impact in reminding people to plan accordingly after their big night’s out.”

To book a taxi with A2BTaxiCabs with a hangover recovery kit, contact them on 01353 661010, specify your booking is for a work Christmas party and the kit will be available for your journey.