WE attend the Littleport Show tribute band night most years and we thoroughly enjoy the evening, the bands and being entertained outdoors. However, this year I must express concerns. We paid £12 per adult to sit in a field and listen to various bands. Thi

WE attend the Littleport Show tribute band night most years and we thoroughly enjoy the evening, the bands and being entertained outdoors. However, this year I must express concerns.

We paid £12 per adult to sit in a field and listen to various bands. This we don't mind, but when it comes to visiting the toilets I was totally disgusted. The ladies' had three toilets and the men one cubicle and three urinals. The toilet rolls had been eaten by rodents and droppings were in the actual packs. Later on in the night, as the queues for the ladies' were getting bigger, the toilets were not flushing and beginning to rise to the top of the pans and flood over the top. By this time the men were using the bushes, but the ladies were wading in various disgusting water and toilet paper.

Health and safety was obviously not very apparent on the night and I must say that, at £12 for a ticket, I expected there to be more portable toilets and for them to work correctly.

So, come on organisers of the event, please, please get this problem sorted out before next year's event as this really spoils the night for a lot of people.


Falcon Mews
