The sun keeps peeping through, the bitter winds go straight through you and there is talk of hosepipe bans, spring must be on the way! I did see more evidence of spring the other day while wandering down Thorn Street. Here and there clumps of daffodil ste

The sun keeps peeping through, the bitter winds go straight through you and there is talk of hosepipe bans, spring must be on the way! I did see more evidence of spring the other day while wandering down Thorn Street. Here and there clumps of daffodil stems were pushing their way through. When they could get through, that is. At the moment Thorn Street has a large crop of plastic flowerpots and random lumps of polystyrene strewn about. The crisp packets we take for granted, of course, but the shuttlecock lying there is a bit of a mystery.

For those unfamiliar with Thorn Street it is actually a drove that is used as a short cut footpath between Cloverfield Drive and Julius Martin Lane. If you carry on through the Craves you can be in the centre of town in no time so it does get a fair bit of use. This will obviously increase when the new town off the Shade becomes occupied (if the people who move there want anything to do with Soham, that is).

What could be a reasonably pleasant walk away from the noise and smell of the traffic is, at the moment, another one of those areas where you try to imagine what it would be like if people just had a little bit of care and consideration for others. In the meantime, enjoy the daffs.