I had to write to tell you about the view from my back yard which verges onto Berry Fen, the place that REG Windpower has chosen as the site for their next wind farm.

Looking out of my back door, the trees, fields and wild flowers look wonderful and the huge skies at sunset are a sight to behold.

I love living here and don’t want it to change. Yes that makes me a NIMBY but one with a difference.

I realise change will come and there is a bit of me that’s Green not keen on nuclear or pesticides. Now even less keen on wind power as I’ve researched it and found out how inefficient and expensive it is.

I am incensed that REG Windpower thought it was environmentally acceptable to site their three huge turbines (125m high) so close to some of the homes in Aldreth a mere 700m away.

Also, the turbines will be in full sight of all the residents living along Aldreth High St, Haddenham High St, Hillrow and Hillrow Causeway.

This is quite contrary to the past ethos of the renewables industry, of not invading built up areas and only going where there are few people.

Ironically the working wind farm REG Windpower took us to see at Lutterworth was in a rural area with not a house in sight! A complete contrast to the proposed site at Berry Fen.

I believe that East Cambs has achieved its target for renewable energy up to 2020 and if turbines do go up at my beloved Berry Fen they will only work at night as the local National Grid sub-station is at full capacity accommodating the Wilburton Solar Farm.

In March 2014 wind farms were paid a record £8.7 million to switch off according to figures that show how an increasing amount of subsidised renewable energy is being wasted.

Berry Fen might survive if we all object strongly enough before August 14 on planning application 14/00728/ESF on East Cambridgeshire District Council website.


